Offshore Company Registration and
Bank Account Opening
Offshore Company Registration and Bank Account Opening

Seamless Offshore Company Registration
Наші offshore company formation service allows you to set up a legal entity in a reputable jurisdiction, unlocking numerous advantages for your business. With our expertise, you can establish your offshore company quickly and efficiently, giving you access to international markets and financial benefits.
We work with some of the most business-friendly offshore jurisdictions, including:
🔖 Seychelles
🔖 Mauritius
Each location provides unique benefits, such as favorable tax laws, asset protection, and increased privacy. We guide you through the registration process, ensuring full compliance with local regulations and helping you choose the best jurisdiction based on your goals.
Benefits To Register an Offshore Company
- Tax Efficiency: Many offshore jurisdictions offer lower or zero corporate tax rates, reducing your business’s tax burdens.
- Asset Protection: Offshore structures can help safeguard your assets from legal risks and liabilities.
- Enhanced Privacy: Offshore jurisdictions provide greater confidentiality, with minimal public disclosure of your business ownership.
- Global Expansion: Setting up an offshore entity allows you to operate in new markets and enjoy the benefits of international business.

Offshore Bank Account Opening
To complement your offshore company registration, we also offer offshore bank account opening services. A bank account is essential for managing global financial transactions, and our partnerships with international banks ensure that your offshore business has access to secure and flexible banking options.
Our offshore bank account opening service provides:
Multi-currency Accounts: Manage funds in multiple currencies, allowing for easier international transactions.
Secure Banking: Offshore banks are known for high levels of security and robust banking infrastructure.
Easy Access: With digital banking services, you can access and manage your offshore account from anywhere in the world.
We handle the entire process of opening your offshore bank account, working with trusted global banking partners to ensure you have the right financial tools for your business needs.
Why Choose Interactive Dealers?

Expert Support:
We offer tailored advice and guidance to ensure your offshore company registration and bank account opening are done smoothly and efficiently.

Global Reach:
Our services cover multiple vital offshore jurisdictions, providing you with flexible options to expand your business.

End-to-End Solutions:
From company registration to bank account setup, we provide comprehensive services that simplify global expansion.

Confidential and Secure:
We prioritize your privacy and security, partnering with reputable institutions to ensure your assets and information are protected.
Take Your Business Global
Interactive Dealers прагне допомогти вашому бізнесу досягти успіху, усуваючи перешкоди на шляху виходу на ринок. Незалежно від того, чи потрібне вам швидке рішення у вигляді готової ліцензії або персоналізована підтримка в отриманні нової, ми готові прискорити ваш шлях до успіху.
Contact us today to learn more about our ready-made licenses and licensing services. Let us help you take the next step toward global expansion and business success.
Про нас
Interactive Dealers - провідна компанія у сфері корпоративних послуг зі світовим охопленням. Ми надаємо виняткові індивідуальні рішення і це є основою нашої високої репутації. Маючи досвід більш ніж 15 років, ми досконалі у наданні нестандартних, оригінальних рішень, адаптованих до унікальних потреб кожного клієнта.